Saturday, January 31, 2009

RAMBLING... tomorrow

Tomorrow is my wife's birthday. She like Queen Elizabeth has two birthdays the other was on January first.... February is a heavy month for me. Anniversay on the 23rd ..then there is Valentines the 14th which BTW is also my sister's birthday...then there is BLACK HISTORY MONTH especially in this OBAMIC year ! !......those pictures were awesome, thanks again especially Grace and Lennon and Loma. (PICTURES HERE)

Kirk Cameron is a very interesting life.
Last night we watched "FIREPROOF" the movie from blockbuster.
it was unusual for the kids and the parents to be watching together.
...especially MOM....she was tired from doing a double was a rare moment.. we watched TOGETHER. .....the movie is a blessing you should try to watch it too.

I had bought a DVD set of "growing pains" a while the children knew Kirk Cameron.

Tomorrow is also the first superbowl party was at a bar somewhere in the hills north of New York city. I had not the least interest in the game. I had come under the influence of a bunch of foul-mouthed, beer-drinking, __ _ _ -smoking, party animals...enough said.... ..anyhow, the point of the STORY is : you can be influenced by the wrong crowd.

Tomorrow my old friend and mentor, George will celebrate his 100th birthday.
Last night when I told the family that George taught me how to sing they thought it was a may think so too, but it is true. I used to like to tinker with stuff when I was growing up. During my tinkering times, I discovered radio. I have never lost the fascination with sounds...from afar....voices from beyond. It is in that way that I learned to listen. Across the years I have "met" and been influenced by many great minds through radio. Form the early years I remember the deep voice of Earl Nightingale as it boomed over the waves from RJR ...i beleive..the progrm was called 'our changing world'. Other favorites: the Rev. Oswald Hoffman on sunday morning again I think on RJR with "Bringing Christ to the Nations". By far the favorite was Billy Graham with "The Hour of Decision". I don't think we ever missed that program at our house in Hampton Street. In the later years whenever i would get a chance to preach on youth sunday etc, I would always imagine myself speaking with the voice of Billy Graham...using his phrases like "the bible says"....etc.
We eventually had a chance to see Billy and George in person when they came for a crusade to the National Stadium in Kingston. The unforgettable voice.... CLICK HERE FOR NEWSTORY

"then sings my soul my savoir God to Thee,
How great thou art, how great Thou art ! !"

We also had the opportunity to sing with the mass choir in that great Stadium as night after night many would stream out of the stands onto the huge field to the alter in response to the message. It was during that time that we had to learn at choir practice in our local church on East Street...I think sister Lettman may have been in charge...we learned the words of this song that has stayed with me across the years...and helped me in many a desparate time...I will try to type it now from memory....

Spirit of God descend upon my heart
Ween it from earth, through all it's pulses move;
Stoop to my weekness, mighty as Thou art
And make me love Thee as I ought to love

As Thou not bid me love Thee God and King,
All, all Thine own; soul, heart and strength and mind;
I see Thy cross, there teach my heart to cling,
O, let me seek Thee, and O, let me find.

Teach me to love Thee as the angels love
One holy passion filling all my frame,
The Baptism of the heaven descended dove
My heart an alter, and your LOVE the flame.

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