Saturday, January 17, 2009

Heroes of the faith - Part II

This is my Pastor of some of my teen years. He was a holiness preacher. He was a very strong male role model. Some of us kids did not like the Holiness Doctrines that we were taught at our church growing up. Those same doctrines, however have been like seeds planted; we have reaped benefits many times over, some of us have seen the folly of our youthful rebellion...for the most part today we teach and pass on those same lessons -of modesty especially- to our children.

I was greatly influenced by Elder Blythe's life and teaching....and yet he was not as greatly admired by some. He was not perfect. I remember him couselling me through a major crisis in my young adult years. I was witnessing one of the greatest losses in my closest friend at the time seemed at a point of absolute betrayal..this dear Elder took me aside and comforted me...pointed me to the God of all comfort....I do beleive that today he and my dad and the others are having a great time.

One of the church hymns I remember Elder singing a lot, says this in the refrain:
"Then forward still tis Jehovah's will
Though the billows dash and spray
With a conquering tread
We will push ahead and roll the sea away.!!"


This is another Holiness Preachers son who is today himself a Pastor. Pastor Sam stands out in my memory most not because of his great personality or his firey preaching or his brilliant mind, all of which are a great blessing to many. The picture that has not left my mind across these many years is Young Sam standing beside his mom over the casket of the beloved husband and father. I never forgot the words of the song they were singing .... to this day it plays back in my mind in many a dark are the words as best I recall...

Though the angry surges roll

O'er my temptest driven soul

I am peacful for I know

Wildly though the billows roll

I've an anchor safe and sure

That will ever more endure

And it holds my heavenly anchor holds

Blow your wildest then O gale

O'er my barque so small and frail

It will never, never fail...for my anchor holds...MY ANCHOR HOLDS !!!

I had not heard that song before that day....I have never forgotten it !!

1 comment:

robert said...

Interesting how songs sometimes attach themselves to certain memories, as "My Anchor Holds" did for you. (I had a similar experience with the hymn "Be Still, My Soul.")

Today is the 95th anniversary of the death of William Martin, author of the hymn "My Anchor Holds." There he reminds us of the One who is our anchor, when he says, "In Christ I can be bold." I trust your faith in anchored in Him. God bless.