Saturday, January 17, 2009

rambling - As it happens....

Righteous motives are not enough....
"I believe we have a duty to free people," Bush told me in late 2003. - Bob Woodward
Wash Post

not sure which way to take this...
1. a duty to people who are free OR
2. a duty to make them free who are not....either way its a tall order
around my place everyone thinks they are already free and no one want me messin' around wid their freedom'.....i'll just leave the whole ting remindin m'self.....freedom aint FREE!

Alice Snuffleupagus - FROM SESEME STREET
Snuffy’s two-year-old sister Alice is just learning about the world. She does whatever her brother does.

Big Bird is having a nest sale! He wants to sell the toys that he doesn’t play with any more to someone who will want them. Snuffy helps by being Big Bird’s Assistant Nest Sale Snuffleupagus. All he has to remember is that everything in the nest is for sale and everything out of the nest is not for sale.

The Count doesn’t know the monster’s name, but he knows that he’s tall and thin with curly hair on his head. Based on the description they find the right the monster,

President-elect Barack Obama launched a four-day inaugural celebration Saturday before thousands of chilled but cheering onlookers from Philadelphia to the nation's capital. He promised to bring the country "a new Declaration of Independence" — free from small thinking, prejudice and bigotry.

there it is again the word free !!!!

Vice President-elect Joe Biden, who hopped aboard the train in Wilmington, said the train ride marked the beginning of a journey that would change America.
"Our economy is struggling. We are a nation at war," Biden said. "Sometimes, just sometimes, it's hard to believe that we'll see the spring again. But I tell you spring is on the way with this new administration."

I always had an hyperlinked imagination - here is an older american (vice president) "HOPPING" aboard a train finding it HARD sometimes, to beleive that HE will see SPRING again....all this standing next to a STRUGGLING economy and "chilled but cheering " onlookers.

not too sure where this is going yet...hopefully I'm going to turn it into a story....right now the ingredients are just lying on the counter top of my mind....not a pleasant sight obviously.....notwithstanding.....HMMmmm.....running out of PC time....I will need to revisit this long for now.

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