Friday, March 27, 2009

a boy named john

The following is a sample of what the leader of the company I work for actually sends to ALL employees...maybe thats where I got the rambling idea from...but can you see how my ramblings are a bit more strenuous on the mind...I am not a CEO anyhow...well maybe not...CEO of the about that

Musings from your CEO … 2007 Issue 28 October 8 – 12

To Everyone:

Well I decided to do an unofficial survey and see if folks could get through a week or more without hearing from me! No great surprise but it seems like we are all so busy that reading one less email a week is no cause for concern...

Honestly, I have been super busy and feeling a bit burned out, with nothing terribly interesting to say. My travels have not taken me to our operations so I have not had a chance to catch up with any of you personally.

It has also been a bad week for heroes, with Ms. Jones a fabulous runner, finally coming clean about her juiced performance as a star at the Olympics, and professional coaches "cheating" by stealing defensive signals. I guess the most disturbing part to me has been the number of folks who seem to condone the behavior and say that it is all about winning not playing by the rules!

I recently read a letter to the editor in Time magazine. The letter was about a team that chose to forfeit a win and their championship in football when they realized that they had been inadvertently given 5 downs in a series. When they realized it they voted to give up the championship; those guys were real heroes and sportsmen in my book, unfortunately it happened more than 50 years ago!

October is half over and when I look at one of my goals for 2007, I realize that I have a very long way to go if I have any hope of visiting even half of our offices this year! I am disappointed but feel it's still a worthy goal (and one that gets tougher every year with our growth).

Thanks to those of you who sent me a note on Boss's day. I hope to hear from you on other days as well!

See you soon?





Chuck chuck and chuck

Colson, Misler and Swindoll

people who speak or sing into your life

the world and his wife - church and state

highly regulated societies such as castro's cuba

have tended historically to be atheistic

it follows...if the leader is strong enough then the state can do so much more for the individual..right?

take for instance pharoh's egypt or nebukanizer's or whatever his name (SADAM's babylon

babylon the great - mother of harlots ---sorry went on a tangent there

Alzheimers patient's have been widely misunderstood..and abused by some in the "health care" community...

Festus (another sunday school character...I love sunday sabath skool)

off on a tangent

so this guy festus thought my friend paully was mad...he actually told paully his face...


back on track

so why do you think it talks about THE CHURCH as the BRIDE OF CHRIST

my son if sinners entice thee....

jean jean roses are red

and all of the feilds are all green

if you only stand still

at the top of the hill

just stay out of my life bonnie jean

ok maybe it didn't go exactly like that, but there was a pop song back in the day about jean....

and you know my brain... songs just stick to the windmills of my mind like fly papaer.

enough of the wording around...

sorry to bore you...but they are kind of like my mental warm up..boot ups ...whatever

everthiong is just bouncing around the mind for a while patient the chaos will soon cease. LOL

so anyhow, there is this girl jean who still trying to destroy my family

and guess what, she is not trying to seduce me....

she is now on her fourth attempt to seduce the wife !!!

she was successful in two of the attempts before I even realized what was goin on !

the woman is a loan officer at a prominent bank, who etnices us constantly with debt!!

off on a tangent

a story about a man who married a prostitute knowing full well what he was doing


BTW this is a bible story so get your minds out of the gutter ezikiel in your bible..pray first

another tangent

ever heard of CITIGROUP?

What is a TOXIC asset?

How about predatory lending?.. what is that?

the ramblings/rumblings/rantingss are really wild this morning

Hang on it's going to be a rough ride ..but stay with me.. I promise... we are going somewhere...


we walked into the car lot...flat broke...not a penny

ten minutes later...drove out in a brand new car

epilogue : the car crashed, nearly killed me

a jewish lawyer took the case...we didn't get one penny

but guess what...we still owed the bank for the car

...maybe twice the cash price of the car

BTW... in case you are wondering

this is a true story not a game of MONOPOLY!

hopefully I can make some sense out of all this for you later

I owe, I owe, I owe

so off to work I go

and the borrower shall be servant to the lender - BIBLE

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