Sunday, March 29, 2009

disolving my civil union

Psalm 119:1 Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the LORD.
2 Blessed are those who obey his written instructions. They wholeheartedly search for him.
3 They do nothing wrong. They follow his directions.
4 You have commanded that your guiding principles be carefully followed.
5 I pray that my ways may become firmly established so that I can obey your laws.
6 Then I will never feel ashamed when I study all your commandments.
7 I will give thanks to you as I learn your regulations, which are based on your righteousness.
8 I will obey your laws. Never abandon me.
Just as listening does not guarantee hearing
so looking does not guarantee seeing.
there is a section of the word that says
Hear and your soul shall live and Jesus
said we do not just live by food but
by words that come from God.
I have heard a lot of talk about world view
I am chastised for airing dirty laundry....
talking about things of which I should be ashamed.
I find myself trafficking in unusual ideas
a peddler of strange thought
the employ of metaphor and parable and parody
have been the way of communicators
seeing is beleiving is the common way of the world
unless you beleive you cannot see is what Jesus said
The bible says fools despise instruction...
and we know that instuction may come through
any the movie "SWING VOTE"..for example, the little girl
Molly seemed to be instructing her father constantly
to behave himself decently. A family makes a decision to use church
time for other purposes on a regular basis. The little children immediately
pick up on the inconsistency, and start to suggest all kinds of creative
ways to "solve the problem". Indeed we will find God instructing us
through a variety of circumstance.
The letter kills, and can destroy relationships. Jesus made what seems
to be a startlimg statement in Matthew 10:34
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
It is the spirit that teaches, that informs and transforms and gives life
How dare you think that you can tell me what to do?....we hear it all the time.
Who said that God invented marriage?
Down with marriage !!!
up with civil unions...the state is God !!!
That's what we hear a lot in our brave new world
the spirit of antichrist is what the bible calls it
remember NIMROD !

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