Saturday, April 25, 2009

movies this week

PERSONAL GLIMPSES - a movie srcipt...maybe
I know three catholics
It seems to me that catholics are good people.
When I was growing up I had a very good friend who used to watch movies.
I never watched too many movies growing up. In my teen years it was fascinating
to have a friend who understood life from the movies. We used to spend hours on the phone at night talking. I had to listen to many stories from the movies that my best friend watched. My friend used to tell me some things
that have stuck in my mind across the years. For example this friend told me that it was
possible to really love only once. Now that I look back it occurs to me that my friend may have been catholic.
That's so weird, because it was not true then, but the nuns at the high school had some influence.
Then I got a job at a catholic school. Later in life, much later, several sins and confessions later.
I almost married a catholic girl. I missed the chance, my fellows didn't.
So what is there to learn from catholics that's so important?
I think one of my favorite cousins was raised catholic.
It looks sometimes like he has given up the faith, but I think that deep down he is still a beleiver.
New England where I live is full of them. Catholics
Why is it that the homosexual issue became a full blown issue in the catholic church?
My boss was the only one in the workplace this year who I saw with the mark on his forehead
on ash wednesday. He is returning on monday from a week vacation. My boss is a tough cookie. Pray for me.
Bob Marley lives on.
We were watching the movie Marley and Me (mitzie & me) - a blocbuster "HOT NEW RELEASE"
I know that it perhaps is supposed to be about the love of pets. I didn't watch it all the way through.
I didn't see the part about when they named the dog Marley. Mitzie told me they were thinking about Bob Marley. They decided against Bob and called the dog Marley instead. There was one line in the movie that stuck with me. The dog's owner was commenting on why a dog was such a great companion. He said the dog doesn't care who you are or what you do, the dog will love you anyway. People don't do that.
My remark was that they are supposed to. Most people nowadays don't agree with me. They agree with Marley's owner. Everyone nowadays has a dog. I really think the movie is also about death and the way we can 'sanitize' it. The other movie that comes to mind is the Beverly Hill Chuiwawa (sp).
We had a dog growing up that was much like Marley. The dog's name was Daisy. So contrary to what these children think, I do know about this movie.
This may be as good a place as any to mention my late attorney cousin. God bless him and his family. Please keep praying for them, I know someone out there who beleives in prayer has been praying with me. I think my cousin Peter, in New York,.....SAINT PETER I will call him. He is the only person to my knowledge who ever told me to my face that he thought that I was an angel !!!.....but saint pete seems to be turning his life around..I hear that he has gone back into the classroom HE IS A REAL TEACHER a qualified spanish teacher.... and I might add a preacher and a healer...he doesn't fully realise it yet...If you keep praying, before long you will be coming back to this BLOG to read about the HEALING MIRACLES that will come out of a life TRANSFORMED.
Last year was a critical turning point. I / We lost two of my father's best cousins.
I had also come to love them. Aunt Tiny and Cousin Dudley.
At Aunt Tiny's funeral I became RECONNECTED to the family through cousin G and cousin G nette, the one cosin Dudley's sister, the other Aunt Tiny's daughter. Without them realizing I have been inspired in a new way by their testimonies. I still dream of one day telling the stories....through modern media.
I like television production. I think I like it as a story-telling tool.
Russell Fritz was the first one who gave me the opportunity to see the inside of a television production studio.
He let me write scripts for a JBC news production called helping hands. We later shot the video which was produced and aired on national Television.
Monica went to school and majored in television prodution. There were dreams lost.
So now these movies have snippets of life 'replayed'. Like the owner of the dog in Marley and Me....the old art that my best friend taught me, learning important life lessons through the stories of movies.
Richard McCaw made me realize that I was not just a musician
but I also had the gift to be a writer...that was back in my teens.
My local church group did not promote that idea - me as a musician - but I beleived it.... even though it seemed
that I was not chosen to sing solos or celebrated as chuch organist...I never complain about my parents but in retrospect
I think they may have sent the wrong child to music lessons - enough said !!
This owner of the dog Marley was a writer. I saw how that my writings can play a healing role in my families.
Even when he moved on from his job as a columnist in Florida, they were now living in Pennsylvania (sp) his wife used to read the scrapbook with his columns and got strength to cope with issues....his kid even read the scrapbook (BLOG)
.....don't kid yourself they said...hint hint....
....(My brother-in-law thought I should publish my ramblings...his daughter thinks they are alredy published)
My father was a writer; he made copious notes...everywhere....they were never published,
never read
I don't think...on second thought...
I think he was just writing down most of the things that he talked about and lived yes, his writings were "living epistles seen and read" by the people who knew him.
He died on 4/21/06 ......
these, my ramblings or jottings, my writing is as good a memorial as any.
I love my dad.
"Black women have to be strong" a line from the TD JAKES movie 'Not easily Broken'
You should go out and
Donald Miller was the little black catholic shoolboy in the blockbuster "HOT NEW RELEASE" entitled "Doubt".
I have a very good catholic friend who until this very day insists on calling me Donald. So you can imagine the (tongue in cheek) trauma that I felt watching this movie. It was no trauma, in fact it was quite a pleasant reparte.
BTW I don't really know what a REPARTE is.
I just threw that in for want of a good seemed OK..I will look it up later. and edit it out if need be.
The movie "DOUBT" kind of pulled together all my latent catholicity.
My catholic principal and best friend Tom.
My priest and writer friend Harvey Cox
My (closet catholic) sister-in-law who was in the crusades (against baptists)
My cousin who has the same birthday as mine and maybe, an ex irish catholic bride to be. (prayer wariors add this to your list)
NOT EASILY BROKEN is a movie that has TD JAKES in it.
"Women started to become their own heroes" is a line from the movie
"The world took away a man's reason for being a man" another line for the move.
I like TD JAKES.
He is right up there with the rest of my heroes.
BUCKMINSTER FULLER (mentor - 'the critical path')
EN BLYTHE (pastor)
ALVIN TOFFLER (social commentator - 'future shock & the 3rd wave')
RICHARD McCAW (teacher)
RUSSELL FRITZ (ex CIA & Salvation Army officer)
VINCENT GRAY (grand-dad)
HARVEY COX (catholic father -'the secular city')
BILLY GRAHAM (preacher)
"The truth of the matter, bishop is that I feel like I am just visiting this marriage" said David as they sat in couselling before the pastor who married them. FROM 'NOT EASILY BROKEN'
coming soon to a blog post near you..."I HAD A QUARREL WITH THE KID"
I destroyed his lifeline...broke his cell phone into so many little pieces.
So I got to thinking about my father and his strategies for handling the terrible teens....
I don't think Vinette approves of me anymore. She was Sister James in the movie 'doubt' big sister wanted to play the part of the Principal....but was turned down....her husband however, did get chosen to play the priest but turned it down.
"A car doesn't know why it is a car, only the manufacturer knows" from 'Not easily Broken' by TD
Catholics may be lucky in that they get to have regular confessions with a real confessor. Others of us non-catholics have to be creative, and talk to our pets or our blogs or understand our mistakes through the movies.....but nothing comes even close to real prayer.
(from a song memorized in my teen years from morning prayers at Wolmers Boys High School)
Prayer is the souls sincere desire
Uttered or unexpressed
The motion of a hidden fire
That trembles in the breast
Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try
Prayer the sublimest strains that reach
The Majesty on high
O thou by whom we come to God
The Life, the Truth, the Way;
Your feet the path of prayer hath trod
LORD, teach us how to pray.
Failed Human solutions to supernatural problems
- the shortcomings of Modern Psychology, Economics & Political Science
(the ICC) and the one who weakens the nations - Lessons from Nimrod

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed this.
Thanks for the family details about Uncle Sonny and the cousins. I am very grateful that I have the time to take it all in.
What a gift you have!!!!
I enjoyed "Doubt" also. We grew up Catholic, but each veered off as adults. Our Donald (Danny) was an ardent altar boy and we often talk about those days. Joker that he is, he called during the abuse scandals to assure his mother that he was untouched back in the days.
Prayers will be lifted up for all! - PS