Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the chairman

I can only imagine that the other 700 plus graduates did not get it either.

Tim is chaiman of the board. What he was saying sounded vaugely familiar...to me.

So I happened to make some off-hannded comment on our way to dinner after the commencement excercise.

I was kind of taken-a-back by the respone of one of the graduates. I can't recall the exact words

but the general impression was boredom.


this idea keeps coming up

there have been lots of stories about how parents find their children by triangulation

I heard one parent tell a child that GOD told them exactly what the child had been doing

The child was HORRIFIED....for a minute...but that was all it took.

Anyhow back to the chairman

It was good to note that at least one of the teenagers could remember the main theme of

the chairmans remarks. He was encouraging the graduates to be driven to high acheivment

To be motivated by love and to act with courage even bravery and to do it for "the team".

The reason it sounded familiar was because it was... well... kinda "churchy"....no wonder

the possible boredom.

It was sunday afternoon....mothers day....and here is this guy preachin' at the 700 plus graduates.

I recently had a rare insight into what preaching really is supposed to be - it is a form of persuasion.

It is right up there with marketing and sales....only commercial advertising comes even close.

It is TRANSFORMATIONAL....the President Barak uses it a lot. It is not just an appeal to reason.

It also targets the deeper FEELINGS...the emotions....PAUL calls it the "foolishness of preaching".

BUT preaching also involves GOSPEL

Don't tune me out just yet !!! pleeeze

Who doesn't like GOOD NEWS...in fact me and two million plus others really HATE bad news

When last have you listened to the daily CBS evening news....it can be so depressing.

The final point about preaching is it ALWAYS HAS GOSPEL or GOOD NEWS....

and we can't help but respond emotionally and rationally.

knowing therefore the terry fying experiences of the bad news...because we KNOW....

said saint Paul.....because we know....that is why we

persuade people.

we preach, we teach and so we heal.


PS the chairaman I later found out had been trained in the church, for over 10 years..at least he also the current chairman of special olympics....and had background in special education. I hope I can get my hands on a transcript of his remarks - Timothy P. Shriver

coming attractions and....

OTHER PUBLICATIONS by the same author

I can only imagine & Imagine - jon lennon

Mike Murdok - the brake and the gas

Old people as refuse...or recyclable

Sibling squabbles - billcosby, grace, mitz, steve,mandy and saint jrerome the 23rd


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