Sunday, May 24, 2009


Memorial Day 2009 - A Good report***

Moshe the godson

An Egyptian, ran away because of a major embarrassment.

He was raised by Godly parents, but went off and studied

at an uppercrust school - in Egypt ..I do believe it was a war college.

He kinda married his big sister says,

he married a country girl from Midian...but she had a good dad.

it's a mixed up story.....well, not really...but a little bit...


As a chronicler ....a story teller...has to some how get in both the

bitter and the sweet....but a good storyteller must have it coming

out with a good far I have been getting a good B+

I am really trying for an A this time...

A prophet on the other hand....well they stoned the prophets sometimes...

But we must all wear our prophet hats.....and HE spoke a parable unto them


My daughter was born on veterans day I don't fully understand the difference between Memorial day and veterans....I will look it up.. So anyhow...what do I remember? Memorial memory.... Uncle Billy.....Turner Daniels...he is really my dads cousin but growing up we called all the older cousins..we called them aunt and uncle. So you have ...well..not really now that I remember we always said cousin Molly..but somehow we always said Uncle Boyie and Uncle Billy. Uncle Billy was driving a Hillman Minx....really burning rubber... down Orange Street.... by the fire station...he was coming from Pouyatte Street..from Auntie Punce house. We had all just buried Mammy Webb. I don't remember how old I was, couldn't be more than five.... It was the first time I tasted red stripe beer....I hated it !! But some how, I always had an unusal secret admiration for Uncle Billy ....his gold tipped fillings and his half serious laugh....although it was an open secret that his reral favorite Martin child was Grace....I do believe they had a mutual admiration thing going. As I grew older I came to realize the toughness that always came across when I was around uncle Billy....that toughness had something to do with the war....uncle Billy was in the must have been world war two....I'm not really sure. Maybe uncle Billy was a tough kid growing up....or maybe it was the war ...whatever it was he was a tough customer....after that first sip of beer he gave me I couldn't think otherwise. My cousin Howard...Uncle Billy's oldest son seemed to me not to be too much like his dad...don't get me wrong.... he looked a lot like him, had the mannerisms etc..but Howard is not the tough guy...Phillip on the other hand... seemed to me to look more like Sister Dan..his mom..but he was as tough as nails... just like his dad....and grandad...I might add....My Howard Daniels story is the time they had the apple eating contest and he either broke or swallowed his teeth....My Phillip Daniels story however was at the dinner table when he showed us some animal running across the backyard and while we were busy looking he wiped out a portion from my dinner plate. It was in my later teen years that I began to understand the Daniels a little (no pun intended) better. I personally met Uncle Billy's father...Uncle DanDan....I must stop at this point to mention that I was an extremely naive I did know Uncle Billy's mom was Auntie Zeta (sp) and here I digress (sp)...with a little family trivia....I have five sisters, myself...Grace, Ruth, Faith, Lydia and dad had five aunts....outstanding women....absolutely outstanding !! again..I do not know the exact birth order but they were Auntie Mercy, Auntie Punce, Auntie Coolie Aunt Zeta...who am I missing...oh sorry...not five aunts my dad..four aunts and his mom made five... sisters... my dad himself of five brothers, Alanzo, Lincoln, Albert, Beto and Sonny... an outstnding crew. As best I can tell mostly from my cousins Sweetie and Bubbles...their mom cousin Molly is Uncle Billy's only sister...I think...Sweetie and Bubbles were telling stories at the family reunion in Atlanta in the summer of 2000....they had some good Aunt Zeta stories...again just so you don't get too confused this is really about Uncle Billy....Aunt Zeta was his mom..remember....(bear with me the kids might be reading this) Sweetie and Bubbles are cousin Molly's daughter and cousin Molly is Uncle Billy's sister....may God help me if I am getting any of this genealogy anyhow Sweetie an Bubbles say that Aunt Zeta was quite a tough cookie herself...of all the sisters they said it "wuz she run tings"....translation: she was zee BOSS. By and large, my impression is that the Daniels are serious people - achievers, high achievers... for instance someting poped up in my email the other day...maybe y'all remember it...the subject line on the email was "travel scrabble" I was scrolling through I noticed the name Trevor Little with a whole string of letters after the name...I just want you to know 'dat is MY cousin an accomplished business man in his community....Bobby's mom is Cousin I said these Daniels are achievers !!! My hope is that we can celebrate family often and always.....the first ever official family reunion that I can remember attending was in trench town at Aunt Zeta's house. Who set it up?....Uncle Boyie...I tell you these Daniels are achievers..... I do not mean to bypass anyone...but my knowledge is skimpy...for example I have no idea who all my Daniels cousins are, I can't recall meeting Cousin Boyie's children..but I have no doubt they are achievers. Uncle DanDan, Billy's dad, was also in the war...I war my knowledge that's it for our family warriors....maybe there are some of the younger ones that I don't know about... so fill in the blanks and let us all say a prayer of thanksgiving this memorial day..... ... this memorial day as most americans remember the wars and the heroes..we find ourselves trying to fit in...and you know my mind had to go to Uncle Billy. My tribute are these skant memories... let them trigger a celebration in your own mind ....a celebration of our rich family heritage.


There's a wideness in God's Mercy
Like the wideness of the sea
Thre's a kindness in His justice
Which is more than liberty

There is welcome for the sinner
And more graces for the good
There is mercy with the saviour
There is healing in His blood

For the lo0ve of God is broader
Than the measure of mans mind
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind

If our love were but more simple
We should take Him at His word
And our lives would be all sunshine
In the sweetness of our Lord

I don't know if he ever came to know God.
So we still pray for salvation
If there is anyone who knows
please let us all rejoice together.


  1. Hi Ron,
    Thank you for the reminder and tribute to the Daniels Family. My son Garfield St.Auburn Webb

    a marine in US army served in the famous Dessert Storm in 1992. His father Randolph Patrick Webb (Uncle Manman) was a Police man . Manman's daughters Maxine Webb and Raquel Webb-Geddes, she also has some letters I can't cipher. Of course there are others , So sorry I cant keep up. Oh, I almost forgot, there is also a Devon Webb of /in London/ England somewhere , of that same stock.
    Have a happy memorial day, as you enjoy the parade.


  2. memorial is usually for the ones who died...veterans are the ones still alive - Soldiers

  3. Great Grand Mother – Elizabeth Webb
    Children – Aunties – Zita, Punch, Mercy, Minna, Victoria, (There is an uncle, but he died in 1950 – don’t remember is name, he is man man’s father – ah yes! Pappy Lou.
    Grandfather – Enos Daniels (Uncle DanDan) – WWI
    Grandmother – Phyllis Daniels (Aunt Zita) - Matriarch of the Webb clan
    Turner Daniels (Uncle Billy) – Son of Enos & Phyllisita (Aunt Zita) – Veteran – WWII – Children – Howard, Phillip, Turner Junior, and there’s another son living in Orlando
    Enos St. Earl Daniels (Uncle Boyie) – Son of Enos & Phyllisita – Con Edison, New York – retired – Children – Norman, Paul, Peter, Jackie, Stewart
    Mollyan Little (Cousin Molly) – Daughter of Enos & Phyllisita - Nurse retired – children – Beverly (Bubbles), Trevor (Bobby), Laureen (Sweetie/Bovita)
    I do remember these stories and events – wow!

  4. Wow my brother!! Your memory has such depth and width, and your ability to navigate and express
    your thoughts would make your literature/journalism teachers proud of you!!! I'm surely happy
    you have this outlet to express yourself.... it's the happy-glue that keeps us all together and smiling;
    however, in the family stories, the ride for the reader can be a white-knuckled/tensed one, until the final word is read!!

    Brought back some early memories for me too.... that first family re-union.... those confident,strong Aunts... the grocery shop
    at Auntie Punce's, Papa Cox... Cousin Molly in her white, immaculate uniforms.... Cousin G in her high heels, and beautiful hand jewellery(bangles).... yup, Uncle Billy was my childhood hero, I thought he was so charming in his uniforms, and it would make my day to see him when he and daddy met at Central Branch school as they dropped off us children.... wow!
    We have a fantastic family and such a rich heritage! I am truly proud of the high achievers and gifted among us.... especially in the living generational group that are at the top of the family tree now.... that group includes Cousin G who has, herself, done so well academically (and otherwise). I think Cousin G has two doctorate degrees.

    We are eternally grateful for the strong spiritual heritage that is threaded through all our families. We recognise the commonalities among us and are so happy to have each other in this big, all-inclusive WEBB family. The Internet allows us the opportunity to meet and greet each other ..... so until we all meet again physically, thanks for keeping this blog site going for us all to read....very thought provoking reading too, I might add!

