Thursday, August 6, 2009

family chronicles

the hunts, the grants and the roberts
"Hi Friend. I undertand life can be a rush, but you need to make time for self. A little down time is good, especially when one is not getting younger.  I am doing fine, enjoying life as best as possible." This is what I read from a long time friend yesterday, now a professor in criminal justice in North Carolina  with a focus on juveniles.
The Grants were an older couple that I admired very much during my teen years. Back then, us teens went to youth camp in the summer about a hundred miles from our home. Somtimes the camp would run after our church convention. This was when we got to see many of the families from churches in other parts of the country....and in my mind the Grants stood out. They seemed to be always to be always talking to each other...the wife and the husband. So it came as no surprise to me how their legacy lives on in my friend the professor.
This weekend another model family at our current church have invited the entire church to attend the wedding of their daughter. There is no doubt in my mind that the Hunt family can be an example to many. Sometimes the entire family will go up and sing together. This to me, is outstanding in todays world.
Richard and Lindsay Roberts to me are an amazing couple not just because of their high-profile television ministry but how they seem to be able to think and talk the same things on live television without contradiction or conflict. Recently Richard pointed out that God "invented" the family long before HE created the church.
Yesterday I got tragic news from another family.
The son-in-law was drinking and driving....this was the only time he had driven drunk.
A head-on collision killed a seventy year-old woman who was taking care of a handicapped daughter. This young man has a wife and two young children...he is hospitalized at this time and is not expected to live much longer.
PLEASE PRAY especially for the circumstances
of this fourth family.

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