Saturday, August 1, 2009

LO Jack ....?

System used in conjunction with law enforcement
agencies for the recovery of stolen vehicles.
Available in more than 20 countries.


BTW.. whatever happened to Arsenio Hall?


May 28, 2009 ...
“ If I didn't have Computrace LoJack for
Laptops on my computer,
I do not believe I would have never seen
my beautiful laptop again.” ...


The silent, secure and invisible program contacts a
monitoring center at Computrace whenever your machine
is connected to the Internet to allow for tracking and recovery.
In theory, it sounds attractive as thousands of
laptops are misplaced or stolen every day.
In practice, it’s a little different as I found some
holes in the protection and some
puzzling attributes of the system as a whole.
Read it here

LoJack Corp., maker of stolen-vehicle recovery systems,
said it will slash 47 sales jobs at its Westwood headquarters.
The layoffs, blamed on the slowdown in U.S. auto sales,
were disclosed in a regulatory filing today.
The company’s board approved the restructuring last Friday.
READ IT HERE ....should the government buy this one?

By Bill Wilson, HERE
KIN Senior Analyst
WASH--Jul 31--KIN--
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi showed her,
her party’s disdain for private enterprise in a shocking
diatribe against insurance companies during a news
conference reported by Reuters. She said,
“It’s almost immoral what they are doing.
Of course they’ve been immoral all along in
how they have treated the people that they insure.
They are the villains. They have been part of the
problem in a major way. They are doing everything in
their power to stop a public option from happening.”
It is amazing that the third person in line for the
presidency would express such public
contempt for an industry as a whole.


Devices... implanted in new clothing,
in items such as Gillette Fusion blades,
and in countless other products that become
one’s personal belongings. These RFID chips,
many of which are as small, or smaller,
than the tip of a sharp pencil,
also are embedded in all new U.S. passports,
some medical cards,
a growing number of credit and debit cards and so on.
More than two billion of them were sold in 2007....

...these “transponder chips,” as they’re sometimes called,
can be accessed or activated with “readers”
that can pick up the unique signal given off by each chip
and glean information from it on the identity and
whereabouts of the product or person,
depending on design and circumstances

What Rapture? <- click here
HAL Lindsey <- and here


....and they named him Solomon.
The Lord loved the child and sent word through
Nathan the prophetthat they should name him Jedidiah
(which means "beloved of theLord")
as the Lord had commanded.
(2 Samuel 12:24-25)

....I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as I read this.

The Jedidiah Identity
By Richard Speight

Lord, You know how driven I can be.
I'm so tired ofproving my own worth.

It's lonely being so dependent on myself.
Ineed more than just a little peace.

I'm tired of finding my identityin what I do.
I want to enjoy life as Your beloved child.

I sometimes act as if You are not there and don't care about me.
Please forgive me. Help me feel secure in Your love.

I choose to letYou love me.
Please show me how much You love me.

Teach me to letYour love be enough.
Shine Your light on the dark stuff in me.

I give my hurts, fears, and angers to You.
Clean me out! Fill me upwith Your love.

I am putting my life truly in Your hands.
My security now dependsupon Your performance, not mine.

I am Your Jedidiah.
In Jesus' name,



Anonymous said...

Isn't there a bit of fear in this?
Law abiding citizens should have nothing to fear....right?? !!

Anonymous said...

DID YOU KNOW? on a computer sends keystroke logs, screen grabs and IP information ....if you use a company computer...the same technology is usually inplace....

but why is this not happening on your personal home PC?..or is it?

Anonymous said...

so much for
but this is more important...

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13