Thursday, September 17, 2009



we didn't know he had a stinger

we had him from a baby

we played with him and fed him all the time

we knew he was a scorpion

but we never saw him sting

today after all these years of petting

he stung me

I don't think he knew what he did

I went to the doctor

I still want to play with him as before

the doctor said I should kill him

I cant do that.....


a series just came to an end

at our sunday spot.

it ran for about 4 weeks

it was about a guy who killed himself

the presenter was trying to analyse

the guys life to see why he eventally

killed himself


I seems like Connecticut has been swamped

with killing over the past few weeks

my friend ed came in to work all

agitated about a girl he knew who was

murdered and how she was a very

nice and quiet person....I kind of try

to put all this bad news out of my mind.

...but the next day he was talking about it again

this time he says they found a guy at the bottom

of the river....he had killed was the boyfriend

of the very nice quiet girl who was killed.


then there was the case of the official high up

in the city government who was found to

be another suicide.


now this week connecticut has been in the

spotlight on national news with another

needless death..the young yale student.


Ed told me that over two thousand people

attended the memorial for the lady.

then he went off into trying to figure out

why this guy would do such a thing

I told him I didn't know and wouldn't try

figuring it out now....ed was pretty certain

that this guy would go to HELL....


so I told ed that we should be telling people

that we know as much as we can that

they may not end up like this guy


I talk to ed a lot...I don't know if he is a christian

but he likes to talk about the big man upstairs.


so anyhow the pastor at the sunday spot

was telling the church people that

the reason King Saul in the bible

killed himself was because he

wouldn't listen to his pastor - Samuel

he became jealous of little David

and the real BIGGY

God told his pastor to tell him to


he never did it....completely

so this guy saul became more and more


started makin a lot of bad decisions

like the time he was reading his horoscope

and went to get a psychic reading...

instead of listening to his pastor


any way you get the drift

the real sad part

was his family got messed up too

his kids got killed


these ramblings may have some meaning for you.


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