Monday, October 12, 2009

It's all about getting rid of what's damaging ....

For a lot of my life I don't even think I'd even heard the word.
Now it's one of the most talked-about words in our health
and fitness vocabularies - cholesterol......
I'm Ron Hutchcraft, and I want to have
A Word With You today about
"Heavy On the Healthy Stuff."
So what are you filling up on?
You do have to keep junk out of
your heart or it will clog your heart....
The input you allow in creates the ideas you think about; and your ideas become your attitudes and your actions. So that means consciously and aggressively turning off the bombardment of impure ideas that come your way: the videos, the movies, the Internet sites, the soap opera immorality, the music that makes you all too wise about what is evil. You have to protect, or restore, your innocence. You can't afford even casual contact with dark stuff.
But just like cholesterol, you can't just be against the bad input. You need to be making a conscious, daily effort to load up on God's ideas and attitudes. Jesus said if you clean out one evil spirit and you just leave an empty space there, seven spirits worse will come back and fill that space. So, you have to fill the space in your thinking and your emotions that the dark stuff has been occupying.

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