Monday, January 25, 2010

it was all good ..!!!

Wonderful story of love

Tell it to me again....


Wonderful story of love;
Though you are far away;
Wonderful story of love;
Still He doth call today;
Calling from Calvary's mountain,
Down from the crystal bright fountain,
E'en from the dawn of creation,

 Wonderful story of love !!!!


HEAR IT HERE (dont forget to turn up you speakers)


How could a star studded scientist

Who spends his days observing, measuring

and experimenting in the real physical world

Become such a sucker for pictures and stories

And song ? …who knows  !@!


Such am I.

Started high school in the B stream

Promoted in the first few months to the A stream…

Wrongfully I might add…by the educational establishment….

4 Science one….nuts…what a travesty !!!


So anyway, I do believe, in the absence of  bar-mitzvahs and

Such the like…high school must have been my "rights of passage event"


I am not too sure when I started to realize that I was being socialized

Or brainwashed as the dread would say….but it was all good

I am still not quite the gentleman that my principal Mr Donald Bogle was

Trying for but I must be still headed in that direction….well enough about

The sordid past !!!....


My dear friend and mentor Mister R "cracker barrel" McCrumbs

Who was also an integral part of my 'rite of passage event' taught me

The song:


Lord Jesus Christ we seek Thy face

Within the veil we bend the knee

O let Thy glory fill this place and bless us

While we wait on Thee…


PWEREFUL !!! it all came gushing back this morning on my way to work

I am facing some incredibly perilous times on the job….I cannot afford to

Show up at work 'unprepared'….


I shall not fear the battle

If Thou art by my side

Nor wander from the pathway

If  Thou wilt be my guide !!!!


…but this topped it all….this must really be the ultimate 'rite of passage song'

Sydney Morris was at the piano in the big assembly hall, Mister Bogle had just

Said good morning to the school…(in person not over the PA)….the Hymn was

Announced ….all boys had taken their hymn books out of their back pockets or

Wherever….the prefects were standing by the doors keeping their eternal vigil for

Talkers and other miscreants to fill the quotas for the after school detention rooms…

Now the teachers have stood up and Mister Sydney "the lippy" Morris was just tinkling out the last of the introduction….tinkling the ivories…that is…(sorry I talk too much) Playing the piano…

....Today this is the song that came back and is going to keep me….


He who would valiant be

gainst all disaster

Let him in constancy

follow the master

There's no discouragement

to make him once relent

His first avowed intent

To be a pilgrim


Whoso beset him round

with dismal stories

They doth themselves confound

His strength the more is

No foe can stay his might

Though he with giants fight

He will make good his right

To be a pilgram


Even so dear Lord defend

Us with Thy Spirit

We know that in the end

Life we'll inherit

Then fancies flee away

I'll fear not what men say

I'll labor night and day

To be a pilgrim

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting a stanza of John Driver's gospel song, "Wonderful Story of Love." But I encourage you to provide a link to the original Cyber Hymnal.

    About 14 years ago, a friend started work on the site, and I was privileged to assist him from time to time. But suddenly someone helped himself to all the data, without permission, posting it as rival site. My friend had to change his URL as a result.

    Below is the address of the original Cyber Hymnal. You'll see the difference immediately, as there is no advertising on the site.
