Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are we there yet?

It's been a long wicked winter...but spring is in the air !!

Terry is in the warm sunny Bahama Islands...on a much deserved break....then comes graduation in May......time flies !!

It seems like soon we won't need to worry about health insurance....will people learn to trust God Less?

Luke 18
1 Jesus used this illustration with his disciples to show them that they need to pray all the time and never give up. 2 He said, "In a city there was a judge who didn't fear God or respect people. 3 In that city there was also a widow who kept coming to him and saying, 'Give me justice.' 4 "For a while the judge refused to do anything. But then he thought, 'This widow really annoys me. Although I don't fear God or respect people, 5 I'll have to give her justice. Otherwise, she'll keep coming to me until she wears me out.'" 6 The Lord added, "Pay attention to what the dishonest judge thought. 7 Won't God give his chosen people justice when they cry out to him for help day and night? Is he slow to help them? 8 I can guarantee that he will give them justice quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"

Isaiah 44

1 But now listen, my servant Jacob, Israel, whom I have chosen.
2 The LORD made you, formed you in the womb, and will help you. This is what the LORD says: Don't be afraid, my servant Jacob, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 I will pour water on thirsty ground and rain on dry land. I will pour my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants.
4 They will spring up with the grass as poplars spring up by streams.
5 One person will say, "I belong to the LORD." Another will call on the name of Jacob. Another will write on his hand, "The LORD's," and he will adopt the name of Israel.
6 The LORD is Israel's king and defender. He is the LORD of Armies. This is what the LORD says: I am the first and the last, and there is no God except me.
7 If there is anyone like me, let him say so. Let him tell me what happened when I established my people long ago. Then let him predict what will happen to them.
8 Don't be terrified or afraid. Didn't I make this known to you long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God except me? There is no other rock; I know of none

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