Thursday, April 23, 2009

what is judgement? torture?

When George W. Bush was running for President, Christians hoped that having a devout man in the White House would lead to more a more moral government..
But Bush wasn't the most interesting test of the theory. Though his faith was important to him, it never had nearly the depth of another member of the team -- John Ashcroft, the Attorney General. Devoutly religious, Ashcroft led daily Bible studies as Attorney General. In deference to the Bible, he banned the word "pride" form his official correspondence. "I don't particularly care if I do what's right in the sight of men," he has said. "The important thing is for me to do right in God's sight...The verdict of history is inconsequential; the verdict of eternity is what counts." READ MORE
Is faith reasonable?
Barak Obama quotes
"And although government will play a crucial role in bringing about the changes we need, more money and programs alone will not get us where we need to go. Each of us, in our own lives, will have to accept responsibility - for instilling an ethic of achievement in our children, for adapting to a more competitive economy, for strengthening our communities, and sharing some measure of sacrifice. So let us begin. Let us begin this hard work together. Let us transform this nation."  -
"The final thing that I think the Moses generation teaches us is to remind ourselves that we do what we do because God is with us. You know, when Moses was first called to lead people out to the Promised Land…the Lord said I will be with you. Throw down that rod. Pick it back up. I'll show you what to do.
The same thing happened with the Joshua generation.
Joshua said, you know, I'm scared. I'm not sure that I am up to the challenge. The Lord said to him, every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you. Be strong and have courage, for I am with you wherever you go. Be strong and have courage. It's a prayer for a journey. - READ OBAMA on FAITH

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