Thursday, December 24, 2009

the red nosed reindeer ?

Rudolph don't matter
neither do Santa,
in fact The reindeer
don't matter nor do the elves !

Frosty don't matter, neither do the mistletoe or the holly or the chestnuts, in fact the snow don't matter.
The christmas tree don't matter... maybe the gifts matter..we will see !!!

The holiday don't matter nor do the ...whatever it is that you think is making you happy !!!

who is saying all this....what a wuss...
a real less !!

not so fast, hold up, momentito..... (just a minute)

All the above
mentioned things seem to
have become distractions.....

the angels matter.... that's how the shepherds and Mary and Joseph and the wise men knew what was REALLY going on..... what is really going on?

big time !!!
take health care....why the big fight?
WELL, are you going to die or no?

here is the scoop on death...
first God said if you disobey (SIN)

you WILL DIE....

along comes the devil...
he says you will not die !!!

so to die or not to die...
this is the question !

now about the distractions at CHRISTMAS....

JESUS is the only thing that really matters !!!! He said that He has abolished death.... in fact He seemed to be making so much fun of it....telling the people that Lazarus was sleeping....then Getting up out of the Graveyard and laughing... as it the face of his so-called killers.
this is what HE said... don't be afraid of the ones who say they kill the body but rather pay very much attention to THE ONE who can really make you die... and cast you into HELL !!!!

Brother Roberts went home
this past week...and we
were quickly told that
he died of respiratory
as to continue to
validate and perpetuate
the MYTHS of
so-called modern
medical science...

as if "they" could have
"helped" him stay on this
side....the mysticism
and fear associated with
leaving "this side"
is the lie that continues
to be told by the
one who, steals (kills) and destroys.

This is why Christians talk about going home. Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world" He also said "those who live and believe... SHALL NEVER DIE" because " I give to them eternal life...and they shall... NEVER PERISH" !!!

I would like to suggest that many people
are frightened "out of this world" and are
tricked into "giving up the ghost"....
by well-intentioned physicians
who work part-time under the
diabolic delusion that they
have a cure for death.

Behind all of this is the original
deceiver, the liar from the
beginning, the father of lies
the same one who is making
up all these so-called
christmas attractions....

you cannot serve JEHOVAH
GOD and at the same time
follow MAMMON...this
is what Jesus said.....

...and HE is the only ONE THAT MATTERS AT ANY TIME....but especially now AT CHRISTMAS.

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