. . . it's amazing membership in a church means so much; did John have his membership card?
how about Jesus Christ the head of the church is he a member in good standing in some churches?
I highly doubt it, as a
matter of fact I know it!!
In some churches
he's not even welcome !
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What if the assembling is church ? . . . as opposed to the
1. assembled - MEMBERS
2. assembly - BUILDING
3. assembling - RELATION
Not to be splitting hairs but we should perhaps take a closer look at the scriptures teaching on the church. Personally I am leaning heavily towards relationships as 'church'.
Do you want to begin with a scripture verse that you believe makes the case for any particular meaning.
I would even venture to say that any relationship of assembled persons that has CHRIST AS HEAD . . . should be looked at more carefully . . .
These assemblies that try to begin their deliberations with prayer . . . in Houses of Parliament and houses of congress, for example, these 'assemblies' are finding more and more opposition to prayer !!!!
"I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
• • • • • • •
May we never lose the blessing of The Lord and remove the candlestick . . . we need to pray for the churches !
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Dealing with Deconstruction
Dealing with Deconstruction Tobi England Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:56
What to do when someone is losing their faith
[image: cracking brick wall]
Many Christian...
1 week ago
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