Thursday, June 23, 2016


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Are we ready for this ?

Mark 14:50 "they all
forsook him, and fled."

Judas is not a "lone-wolf".
He is on the FBI watch list - in a manner of speaking -

So, he instant messages the high priest. He is in cahoots with the 'underworld'.

The agreement is: he will send a TWEET when they are in the garden.

He confirms that the payment is recieved. For him, it's all about the cash folks. Mammon. #$traightup

EVERYDAY, all day long.

So. could the "leaven" in my thinking that contaminates everything I do; could it be this "worshiping mammon"?

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.


Sent from my iPhone

Friday, June 17, 2016


Last week we were hearing
his story (Mohamed Ali). 

This week we are hearing his 

story (Omar Mateen). If history matters 

Does his story matter?


I decided that one day was not enough. 

So I'm want to celebrate fathers month 

this year from June 19th to July 19th.

The question I'm trying to get answered is: 


"Whose?" you may ask.
Your dad's ! Did he ever tell you anything? 

OK, so what (was) is his story?


Many are applauding these changes as an important step towards "equality" and recognition of women's capabilities. But the focus on equality is masking the underlying injustice of the law in the first place. The more important issue is that forcing anyone  to register for Selective Service is unjust because it is based on coercion (and has the potential to place otherwise peaceful people into violent situations). Let's examine why.


Is reality real?
How real is your reality?

On the rock
Not against flesh & blood

(Legal) protection
for fathers & families

The guns
The person / mind

Mental hygiene

Dental health what are you chewing?
Mental health what r u chewing on?

The humanists - poverty
The Islamists - people
The Biblicist - beliefs

No fly no buy
See something say something

"Looking for hay in a needle stack"

Anyone who kills a human
being has mental health issues

Written by The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica
mental hygiene, the science of maintaining mental health and preventing the development of psychosis, neurosis, or other mental disorders.

Since the founding of the United Nations the concepts of mental health and hygiene have achieved international acceptance. As defined in the 1946 constitution of the World Health Organization, "health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The term mental health represents a variety of human aspirations: rehabilitation of the mentally disturbed, prevention of mental disorder, reduction of tension in a stressful world, and attainment of a state of well-being in which the individual functions at a level consistent with his or her mental potential. As noted by the World Federation for Mental Health, the concept of optimum mental health refers not to an absolute or ideal state but to the best possible state insofar as circumstances are alterable. Mental health is regarded as a condition of the individual, relative to the capacities and social-environmental context of that person. Mental hygiene includes all measures taken to promote and to preserve mental health. Community mental health refers to the extent to which the organization and functioning of the community determines, or is conducive to, the mental health of its members.

Throughout the ages the mentally disturbed have been viewed with a mixture of fear and revulsion. Their fate generally has been one of rejection, neglect, and ill treatment. Though in ancient medical writings there are references to mental disturbance that display views very similar to modern humane attitudes, interspersed in the same literature are instances of socially sanctioned cruelty based upon the belief that mental disorders have supernatural origins such as demonic possession. Even reformers sometimes used harsh methods of treatment; for example, the 18th-century American physician Benjamin Rush endorsed the practice of restraining mental patients with his notorious "tranquilising chair."



- why beliefs matter.

"Above all take the shield of faith"

You can think whatever you want, but be 

careful what you say. "They will hurt you".

Race matters?
Gender matters?
Economics matter?


"put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge 

after the image of him that created him: Where there 

is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, 

Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."


All voices will be welcome. I believe change 

comes when your ideas are put into Action. 
I see the show being a North Hartford Community 

response to the Capital City Crisis.

The mission of this program is a simple one. 

To serve as a voice which will provide a monthly 

report card on the progress of Hartford 

and it's return to prominence.

Looking for payoff

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


You are the salt of the earth: but
if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


"when man becomes god"

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Some gun-owners believe they have the right to participate in law-enforcement by 'avenging' wrongs. Others believe that their weapons are necessary for military style protection against tyrants.

The Gun lobby and the Gay lobby have this in common, they want freedom to pursue rights. Bullets and beliefs without oversight however, are usually a bad mix. It seems that the mass murderer in the Orlando shooting acted on his beliefs about gays, god and guns.

We can legislate gay rights and gun rights but can we legislate beliefs ?

"the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness . . . when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" - Romans 1

IMHO the issue is always about beliefs. It is clear that the rule of law is what preserves order in our civilized society and the use of force is a necessary element in keeping that order. The availability of 'fire-power' is critical to maintaining the peace.

Religious bigotry takes the law in its own hand - in the name of god. The man and his gun becomes the god.

Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law . . . knowing the time, that it is high time to awake out of sleep: now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. - Romans 13


Secular Humanism: the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God. - "good without God".

He is a Christian
What does this mean?

X not equal Y
Not X not equal Y
Not Y not equal X

The current election cycle is bringing into focus the need to identity different "belief systems".

In a so-called pluralist society it can be difficult to separate the underlying beliefs that inform government social policy.

It has become clear to some observers that as our government struggles to manage the claims of competing cultures it may "gain the whole world" and "lose it's own soul".

In this 'new' environment of cultural confusion, some Christian leaders are afraid to talk about the exclusivity of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His message of "the kingdom".

As a belief system REAL CHRISTIANITY is INTOLERANT to the point of being extremely offensive to many.

The average Christian today is content to be a christian 'sympathizer'. So that we may speak about our elected leaders as 'being christian'. The fact of the matter is the 'path' of REAL CHRISTIANITY has become extremely dangerous. In the face of the many militant movements that abound in our culture the voice of REAL CHRISTIANITY is not just being drowned out but is being actively silenced ! The passive 'quietism' demonstrated in some 'Christian' circles makes mockery of the teaching of the biblical Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Secular humanists believe that man can be good without God. Muslims believe that man must be ruled by strict laws or face the penalties; to which REAL CHRISTIANITY says what?

Choices of individuals in the upcoming election will reflect their
beliefs. What do you believe ?

Monday, June 13, 2016


As mother to two sons and grandmother to six grandsons, Mary Colbert has thought a lot about the types of women she would want them to wed. Filled with humor and insight, Colbert reveals 13 types of women men should avoid. At the same time she holds a mirror up for women to search themselves to see if they might be: Blinded Brenda, Holy Holly, Prideful Peggy, Addicted Debbie, Married Mindy, Lazy Lucille, Nervous Nellie, Dominating Donna, Trophy Tina, Chatty Cathy, Broke-as-a-Joke Julie, Lying Linda, Sad Sally.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Am I an unfinished product?
If example is the pattern for the product, how close to completion am I ?

"he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." - Job 23:10

Some would argue that if you are not a perfect example you then you are a hypocrite and should "shut up" about the things of God.

This kind of thinking has kept many struggling Christians "sitting on the sidelines".

THIS I DONT WANT TO BE A HYPOCRITE line is an old trick of the devil that has worked very well to SILENCE the believer.

I may not be a perfect example of the "finished product" but I am example of a "work in progress"

Yesterday after NINE MONTHS I completed my thirteen week discipleship training.

Am I any better off now than I was last September? God has all kinds of ways of getting through to us. I said to my patient mentor brother Bill.

"NINE MONTHS ? hhhhmmmm
That's the typical length of a

So completing this course is only the beginning of something new that God is working on that will "grow up" to full maturity.

Thank you Brother Bill for "bringing this to term". Thank you brother Steve for keeping this program going. Thank you brother Ken for being my "trial balloon". Thank you Pastor Cary for being faithful to the task of "making disciples". Thank you Brother Chappell for being the example of 'staying the course'.
My prayer and hope: TO CONTINUE.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


COVENANT - a formal agreement that caused (or implied) several things:

1. First, a covenant defined (or sometimes created) a relationship. This relationship might be between a king and his vassal states, between a deity and his nation, between two humans, etc.

2. Some covenants are conditional (if one party does A, then the other party will do B), just as with a present-day contract. But generally, ancient covenants are unconditional (each party commits to a certain action, regardless of whether the other party keeps the covenant).

3. Covenants often included the slaughter of animals as a symbol of their significance.

4. Unlike present-day contracts, covenants often carried no expiration date. Thus the parties were understood to be bound by the covenant until death (or forever, in the case of covenants with God).

5. A contract is enforced by the civil government; a covenant is regulated by God.

6. A contract involves the exchange of property or actions; a covenant binds two parties together personally.


May The God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant21Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.