Thursday, June 23, 2016


Are we ready for this ?

Mark 14:50 "they all
forsook him, and fled."

Judas is not a "lone-wolf".
He is on the FBI watch list - in a manner of speaking -

So, he instant messages the high priest. He is in cahoots with the 'underworld'.

The agreement is: he will send a TWEET when they are in the garden.

He confirms that the payment is recieved. For him, it's all about the cash folks. Mammon. #$traightup

EVERYDAY, all day long.

So. could the "leaven" in my thinking that contaminates everything I do; could it be this "worshiping mammon"?

A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.


Sent from my iPhone

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