Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Secular Humanism: the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God. - "good without God".

He is a Christian
What does this mean?

X not equal Y
Not X not equal Y
Not Y not equal X

The current election cycle is bringing into focus the need to identity different "belief systems".

In a so-called pluralist society it can be difficult to separate the underlying beliefs that inform government social policy.

It has become clear to some observers that as our government struggles to manage the claims of competing cultures it may "gain the whole world" and "lose it's own soul".

In this 'new' environment of cultural confusion, some Christian leaders are afraid to talk about the exclusivity of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His message of "the kingdom".

As a belief system REAL CHRISTIANITY is INTOLERANT to the point of being extremely offensive to many.

The average Christian today is content to be a christian 'sympathizer'. So that we may speak about our elected leaders as 'being christian'. The fact of the matter is the 'path' of REAL CHRISTIANITY has become extremely dangerous. In the face of the many militant movements that abound in our culture the voice of REAL CHRISTIANITY is not just being drowned out but is being actively silenced ! The passive 'quietism' demonstrated in some 'Christian' circles makes mockery of the teaching of the biblical Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Secular humanists believe that man can be good without God. Muslims believe that man must be ruled by strict laws or face the penalties; to which REAL CHRISTIANITY says what?

Choices of individuals in the upcoming election will reflect their
beliefs. What do you believe ?

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