Monday, January 11, 2010

cut out the middle man

it seems like the whole world is caught up

in pymamidal schemes. we are never sure

who is the boss, or who we are really working for.

someone asked me recently

if I knew that stop and shop was owed by

walmart....I didn't know that. How about

Shell and Mobil? same owner?

there is competition on every hand.


the sons of thunder wanted to call down fire

from heaven on some people who they

thought were against them.

Jesus told them to leave the folk alone.


many people spend time

fighting the wrong enemy.


We are first and ALWAYS

disciples of Jesus.




If any man serve me,

let him follow me;

and where I am,

there shall also my servant be:

if any man serve me,

him will my Father honour.

John 12:26


He that is not with me is against me:

and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.

Luke 11:23

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