Friday, January 1, 2010

...thinking about the sisters?

I hate to bring up the past ...but....
what was the Pope thinking?

this is what I heard on the news
the pope is reminding us that we are brothers
not enemies or rivals.....

I am honestly trying to deal with this.
We can't just ignore the pope ...right?

so...if my brother is not my enemy or rival
then who is?
this is not rocket science...
I don't beleive the pope
was talking about aliens from another planet....
or was he?
the pope is a spiritual guy...right?
maybe he was thinking about the spirit world....
or...God forbid....
could he be thinking about the sisters?..(as in "SISTER ACT")..
after all...the pope lives by himself...right?
hhmmm !!???....

I think for my own well being I should leave
the gender wars out of this...although
it is so tempting to go
"off on a tangent"

so if my brother is not my rival
and my sister is not my rival
and we are not  into the "alien" stuff...

..and being as how the pope is a spiritual guy and all
this rivalry and enemy talk must come
from what the pope has been reading...

as I said B 4..i hate to keep
bringing up the past...
but....these popes have a habit
of reading the bible...
let me just cut to the chase
in the famous words of

or somebody....
we have seen the enemy (NME)
translating......or personalizing


Psalm 13:2
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Psalm 42:9
I will say to God my rock, "Why have
You forgotten me? Why do I go mourning
because of the oppression of the enemy?"

The contemporaries would say there is a little
insanity going on is a guy who is talking
to himself.....the guy is delusional.!!!!...FCOL
(for crying out loud)

but the ancients.....BTW
i am with the ancients....
when i buy my NFL francise
my team will be called

anyhow the ancients did not consider
talking to ones self to be insanity


some contemporaries even
think that
is the same as talking to ones self...
.....hope i didn't loose you....
i got a little lost myself as to where
we were going with this....

ooohhh....the pope said:
....I had to take some time to get
a direct quote from the NEWS SOURCE
thank GOG for GOOGLE...

Pope calls for respect, peace at start of 2010 -
Jan 1, 2010 ... VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI called for the respect of all people ... by recognizing that men are brothers, not rivals or enemies. ... - 3 hours ago
Pope Calls for Respect, Peace at Start of 2010 - TIME
Dec 24, 2009 ... Pope Benedict XVI called for the respect of all people without ... peace begins by recognizing that men are brothers, not rivals or enemies. ...,8599,1951162,00.html

the big question is....
If men are brothers not rivals or enemies
then who are the rivals or enemies?

I am going to assume (VERY DANGEROUS)
that the pope is a follower of Jesus...

...not that most people think the pope
should be a follower of anyone...


here is what Jesus said in Matthew 13:39
according to the New Living Translation (©2007)
The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil.
The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels.

I personally don't like the term extraterrestrial....
I am very biased to using bible words...
my pastor taught me the importance
of EXACT bible words....
this was his favorite
King James Bible Psalm 12:6
The words of the LORD are pure words:
as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

so being as how ET is not a bible word
let us use the BIBLE WORDS
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

so the NME is.....
NOT TANGIBLE (not physical) in any human sense

the contemporaries...trying to understand this are saying
to themselves....not physical..!!??? HHMMMmmm..Ahhh
then it must be mental....I guess this is as far as they
are willing to's a
call in the shrinks.....(psycho-analysts etc)
the shrinks will FIX it...
of course...the shrinks will
sub contract it out to
BIG PHARMA (the pharmaceutical industry)
...and this by the way is the source of
your drug problems...that's a whole 'nother' story. it what you will....the WORD said
"SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS"....there is a word
for mind or mental...we know this because
we are told to renew our going
on the principle of PURE WORDS....
deliberate choice of words....

we are not talking about MENTAL wickedness
that can be managed through various drug therapies etc...

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep a clear head, and set your hope completely on the grace to be given you when Jesus, the Messiah, is revealed.1 Peter 1:13.....this is the prescription for the mind part....

notice that being sober (vs drunk) is also a part of the 'prescription'
2 Timothy 4:5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.....
alcohol or any other substance abuse
is never an option in dealing with the NME....

I was talking to my banker about settling a debt (death/MORTgage) LOL
....SHE....told me that the biggest purpose in life is that I was
to make sure that on new year's eve to have a good supply from
the "package store" ( that is what they call the liquor shop in the new england  area) other words...get real drunk and
FORGET ABOUT IT !!!!...I won't discuss whether or not I was tempted...
I don't think prettiness was the issue...suffice it to say that there was 'cleavage involved' which by the way she began (i believe subconsciously)
she began covering it with her hands....

1. we are brothers not rivals or enemies
2. the real enemies are influencing our minds
3. that's why JESUS came

But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. New Living Translation (©2007)  1 John 3:8

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