Wednesday, April 22, 2009

emotional pain

“He was a hard worker, good guy and had a positive attitude,” said David Stevens, a former Freddie mortgage executive who left in 2005 and was recently nominated to run the Federal Housing Administration. “It’s a tragedy.”
“He was a good father,” Beatty said. “He was the kind of man you want as a neighbor.”
Chief Financial Officer David Kellermann, 41, was found dead early today in the basement of his home in a Washington suburb, police said.
There were no signs of foul play, and the death is under investigation, Fairfax County, Virginia, Police Officer Shelley Broderick said. She said early reports from others in the department indicated Kellermann’s wife reported a suicide. The medical examiner’s office said it’s conducting an autopsy, and the results may be released as soon as today

was his house going into foreclosure?
was his wife cheating on him?
did his children "dis" him?
how about his co-workers? were they slighting him?
did he feel rejected?
conldn't pay his bills?

what does emotional hurt look like on the outside?

the matter of mental health and emotional well-being is becoming a re-curing theme.
if for instance one or both parents have an emotional defect, will the children come to accept the "flaw"as normal?
how do these things get detected....or cured?
are we destined to keep passing our unwholsomeness from generation to generation?

there are more questions than answers?

did this guy really commit suicide?
he had a goood job
from all accounts the neighbors seemed to think they were an ok family.

what could have possible gone so wrong to make him kill himself?

Suicide is not a new idea. The Bible records seven suicides.

Abimelech - Judges 9:52-54 Abimelech lacked personal identity.

Samson - Judges 16:25-30 Samson died for a cause he believed in and for revenge.

Saul - 1 Samuel 31:4 Saul was stressed out, unable to live up to certain expectations; felt rejected and a failure

Saul's armor-bearer- 1 Samuel 31:5 Impulse, he wanted to die with his boss. 40% of teenage suicide is impulse.

Ahithophel - 2 Samuel 17:23 Ahithophel was bitter because his advice was not followed.

Zimri- 1 Kings 16:15-20 Rebellion; Zimri had a problem with authority.

Judas - Matthew 27:3-5 Depressed, Judas felt trapped by materialism and guilt

Dawson McAllister - CLICK HERE

CHEATING - as a way out of emotional distress

How does an affair start? Where is the initial chemical reaction?

Dave: An affair starts – this is a very precise point – when both parties admit to having mutual feelings for the other person. They might never have touched each other, they might never have been inappropriate in any way, but if they share verbally or in e-mail or written form the fact that they have feelings for the other person, an affair is underway because from that point on everything is supercharged – the sight of that person, hearing that individual's voice, getting an e-mail from them, smelling the perfume or cologne they wear – it's all heightened. It's just like, whooom, and they begin to look forward to it, because they know this person has an affinity for them that's unique.
At that point, though, an affair often can last for a number of months, and I've had them go on even years before it becomes erotic or becomes wrong. READ MORE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it might be a one-night stand, but it has happened in 40 percent of Christian marriages. So next time you go to your church look around and just start counting the numbers off. And the sad thing is when couples go through this, they feel like they're the only one. It's the biggest, most shameful secret they've ever experienced.