how did the board get to be this way?  I love playing this game...CHECK IT OUT -click here
Kennedy remembered for 'the dream he kept alive' (AP) AP - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was celebrated Saturday for "the good he did, the dream he kept alive," .many of us forget about the interconnectedness of life.
the choices that I made twenty years ago have helped to bring me to the point that I am today..and to the choice I am about to make. ... where will this latest choice land me?
Steps are what make up the journey. The steps of people are who? << Psalm 37:23 >> * << Proverbs 16:9 >> * << Jeremiah 10:23 >>
Enoch..walked....with God...
step by step move by move
choice by choice
.....and was not !! WOW.!!
We miss jack and bobby and now teddy. Indeed, Ted was the "Happy Warrior" that the poet William Wordsworth spoke of when he wrote:As tempted more; more able to endure,As more exposed to suffering and distress;Thence, also, more alive to tenderness. - Barak Obama <-click for FULL TEXT
The human will is the hardest thing to control. no wonder the Lord said IF any two is difficult !!!
AMALEK - a relative of Esau the preacher a few weaks ago was talking about king Saul and how he committed suicide. I was wondering what were the choices he was making along the way that led up to that point.
so I started checking the entiire book of samuel the startling thing that I noticed was how often the phrase THE PEOPLE came up.
what was it that made him not totally destroy the amalekites as he was tasked to do.
well, it is the same problem that every leader has. wether you are the leader of a family or a platoon of soldiers or a classroom of children or the leader of the senate banking committee.
you will be required to make unpopular choices will you choose based on what you know to be right or will you allow your choice to be influenced by THE PEOPLE you are responsible to lead.
Joshua is another leader that comes to mind He was told to carry out a rather STUPID plan. He made the people do it....march around in a circle for 7 days. Abraham was about to murder his son claiming that God told him to do it...I dont think that would have gone over too well with his wife if she had the choice. Daniel chose to face the Lions knowing full well of the bloody possibilities.
How about you? have your choices been.....people pleasing, rational, pleasnt options...have you backed away from the tough right choices?
Standing by a purpose true, Heeding God's command, Honor them, the faithful few! All hail to Daniel's band!
Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known.
Many mighty men are lost Daring not to stand, Who for God had been a host By joining Daniel's band.
Many giants, great and tall, Stalking through the land, Headlong to the earth would fall, If met by Daniel's band.
Hold the Gospel banner high! On to vict'ry grand! Satan and his hosts defy, And shout for Daniel's band.
Extra Reading - Amalek
The Happy Warrior by William Wordsworth |
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