--- On Sun, 9/20/09, pauline soares @yahoo.com; wrote:Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 3:08 PM |
Dealing with Deconstruction
Dealing with Deconstruction Tobi England Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:56
What to do when someone is losing their faith
[image: cracking brick wall]
Many Christian...
1 week ago
Sorry to hear about uncle Lincoln.I will be praying for the family.1corinthians 13v13 There are three things that will endure . FAITH ,HOPE AND LOVE AND THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. God bless and keep you always, and keep praying that when the LORD RETURN WE WILL ALL BE IN HIS KINGDOM,WHAT A DAY OF SALVATION THAT WILL BE
"J.adams Malveaux" - Jeanette
mommy says uncle Lincoln was ten years older than uncle Sonny...she says Sonny would have been 92 so Uncle Lincoln would have been about 82
Cousin says she remembers when Lincoln went to get his first false teeth...the dentist found that he was growing a new set of teeth...a very rare occurence in humans...uncle sonny found the whole business so humourous he made lincoln the object of numerous comedic episodes....we also saw this side of Sonny man (the stand-up comic) whenever he and Lanzo would get together...Beets also had this comedic streek....and come to think of it as I remember it Grandfather Claude's laughter was often heard up and down Minstrel Street on many a sunday afternoon after church when we would get together on his verandah.
"J.adams Malveaux" - Jeanette
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