Friday, March 26, 2010

yielded ! - flattery and flattering

FLATTERY - over speaking

with intent to mis-lead


we raised our own chickens.

I very much enjoyed the job of taking

care. I fed them, gave them water...

even cleaning the coops was not a problem!


getting the eggs...I could endure the pecking

even the scratches; the noise? no bother at all !


I loved eating chicken

chicken soup...awesome !

fried...baked...anyway, always a treat.


So what's the problem?


I could not kill the chickens.

breaking the neck then waiting for all

the fluttering to stop...not a pleasant task

AT I would invariably leave the scene

returning later to find out.....


is the chicken dead?


then came the plucking and cleaning.

you get the picture....


between the time

of my conversion and the present

there is a whole lot of fluttering

going on.


Lord Jesus, let nothing unholy remain,

Apply Thine own blood and extract ev'ry stain;

To get this blest cleansing, I all things forego—

Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.


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