Friday, May 7, 2010

having it both ways?

I wrote you in my letter
not to associate with immoral people....
1 Corinthians 5:9
Have nothing to do with the useless works that darkness produces.
Instead, expose them for what they are. Ephesians 5
the world
neither the
things that
are in the world
If any man loves the world
The LOVE of  the Father
is not in him .
all that is in the world
the lust of the flesh
the lust of the eyes
the pride of life
the world passes
and all the desires
those who do the
will of the father
abide forever
1. Imitate God, since you are the children he loves. 2.Live in love as Christ also loved us. He gave his life for us as an offering and sacrifice, a soothing aroma to God.
3.Don't let sexual sin, perversion of any kind, or greed even be mentioned among you. This is not appropriate behavior for God's holy people. 4It's not right that dirty stories, foolish talk, or obscene jokes should be mentioned among you either. Instead, give thanks [to God]. 5You know very well that no person who is involved in sexual sin, perversion, or greed (which means worshiping wealth) can have any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6Don't let anyone deceive you with meaningless words. It is because of sins like these that God's anger comes to those who refuse to obey him. 7Don't be partners with them. 8Once you lived in the dark, but now the Lord has filled you with light. Live as children who have light. 9Light produces everything that is good, that has God's approval, and that is true. 10Determine which things please the Lord. 11Have nothing to do with the useless works that darkness produces. Instead, expose them for what they are. 12It is shameful to talk about what some people do in secret. 13Light exposes the true character of everything
14because light makes everything easy to see. That's why it says: "Wake up, sleeper! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
15.So then, be very careful how you live. Don't live like foolish people but like wise people. 16Make the most of your opportunities because these are evil days. 17So don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord wants

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