Friday, May 21, 2010

testimony time

From strength to strength go on, wrestle and fight and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down and win the well fought day.
Then having all things done and all your conflicts past

You shall o'ercome through CHRIST ALONE

and stand complete at last !!!!.


Mitch Salmon sent a message to the members of Behind the Curtain.
Mitch Salmon
Mitch SalmonMay 21, 2010 at 9:41am
Subject: A True Love Story
I don't know why I remember the date, but it's seared into my mind. It was August 5th of last year. I noticed a note on the wall of the group, which at that point was called True Faced. It was a simple statement which started with a line from the Rush Of Fools song, "For Those." It read, "For those bound by chains with no way to freedom but for grace… I guess Moriah does belong here." I knew the song well, it was even quoted in the information section of the group at that time. Yet I saw the words as her original thoughts. In many ways they were.

There was something about a person referring to themselves by their own name that didn't seem quite right. I felt an immediate draw to her, but her privacy levels were so high that I couldn't click to befriend her. I had never met her, never had a conversation with her, but I knew she was broken. I needed to find a way to reach her. It was a few days later that I finally heard word from her in a private e-mail. Apparently she had found me.

She was very tentative in her approach to me. Again, she referred to herself in ways I had never heard before, calling herself "Moriah" or "it." Never did she say "I" but there were occasions where she used the word "we" to describe herself. Our first correspondence was guarded. I thinking we were feeling one another out. I wanted to understand more about her. She likely wanted to know if I was someone who could be trusted.

I was trying not to draw any conclusions but I suspected that she was demonized. Eventually she wrote me and said she had a confession for me, but I couldn't repeat it. I assured her that I would honor her request and so she shared. In summary I learned that she had not been free for 26 years. There were demons who had taken up residence within her. I didn't know how many, but as we continued to communicate, I realized there were many of them. Sometimes it was confusing trying to figure out who I was speaking with. It didn't matter. God had filled me with love and compassion for this stranger.

The months that followed were tumultuous at times. Moriah was prone to fits. She explained to me that at one point of her occupation she had been "spiritually abused." I learned much more about her deep distain for what she deemed spiritual abusers. I watched Christians approach her and befriend her only to run away sometime shortly after. These people, and the MANY others preceding them reinforced a tape that the demons used to wrench at her soul. The words, "Unworthy, unloved, forgotten, abandoned, lonely, lost, and BROKEN" would just be a beginning to the descriptions I would use to convey her emotional state. Of course the fact that there were various demons who took complete control of her periodically didn't help. Moriah did her best to be real but she was seldom understood.

My heart broke for her as I saw relationships crumble. Granted, Moriah was abusive and abrupt at times, but I already was able to distinguish between the demons who occupied her and the gentle hearted woman who was being held hostage. I prayed for her everyday, often with many tears. I hurt for her. From what I had been able to see, I didn't seem fair. Yet when I mentioned the concept of freedom to her, the demons spat back saying, "You are permitted to remain a friend with Moriah, but you are not permitted to have any further discussion on the topic of freedom. If you violate these rules we will force Moriah to remove you from her friend's list." I had never met a person who without a doubt was demonized. I didn't know how she would find freedom but I could hear God whispering it in my ear… "freedom, Freedom, FREEDOM!" I often cried out to God. I was confused and frustrated. I didn't have any real skills in this area. I often asked, "Lord, I know you say freedom, but how?" I didn't receive an answer so I waited, and I loved.

It wasn't always easy but my love and compassion for her, undoubtedly given me directly by the Holy Spirit, always won out. There were times when conversation would come to a boil and we would back off. By the time I would contact her again, I would often come to realize that she didn't even remember me. It would be someone else who answered for Moriah. There were a number of them that I came in contact with along the way.

It was during the month of December that I noticed a change in Moriah. She seemed to really warm up to me. Over time she had learned that I was trustworthy. When she spoke to me she would often say things like, "Daimonizomai loves you!" I knew it was the real Moriah beneath this cloud of insidious creatures. She confessed that they tortured her regularly. I have no idea what she may have been feeling but there's no doubt that it was agonizing. Still, all though this I kept praying and asking God what He intended to do. I never received an answer but I knew that I was meant to stick with the relationship. When something did happen, it was all at once. Below is a very small excerpt from our correspondence.

Me December 18th, 5:44 AM
"I remember our early conversations. In one of my e-mails to you I mentioned freedom. The response I received told me that I was not ever to mention that word again. Now when I read the word coming from you I am sure there have been changes inside of you. Is this what your heart cries... freedom?"

Moriah December 18th, 11:03 PM
Yes Mitch, it desperately wants to be free. *sigh* It has so many things it wants to say, but it bes afraid to speak. It doesn't want to ruin this.

Moriah December 19th, 10:33 PM
You don't happen to like, know anything about that, do you? Like how to get rid of them for real. Not the mumbo jumbo -- we've seen what so-called "deliverance ministries" do -- no thanks!! -- but the real deal. Do you know anything about the real deal? Meaning other than the obvious of course ... we all know it bes only the power of God that can DO it and not mere human beings.

That night God revealed to me what was to happen. I was to intercede! I have to be honest and confess to you that I was petrified. But my faith was greater than my fear. I had scheduled vacation for Christmas and I was going to have plenty of time available to devote to whatever was to come. I drove up to the cabin on the 22nd and we agreed that we would spend some time talking on the phone after I arrived at my destination. I was a ball of nerves, apprehension, fear and EXCITEMENT. I had no idea how this would work, but I did know that the Holy Spirit would be there through it all. I trusted Him. He had proven faithful.

When I first heard her voice I could tell that she was positively tortured. She had a difficult time remaining coherent and her words were strained. I was sure that the demons inside of her knew my exact purpose. They had called her home for 26 years and they weren't ready to let go. I'm thankful that wasn't their decision. Small talk was out of the question. I felt the presence of the Spirit telling me to move forward. I asked if I could pray with her and she consented. As the first words of my prayer came out, my voice broke and tears began to rush forth. I could feel the pain that she was in. It was almost like the Spirit wanted me to understand. I did.

What followed that night was approximately a 6 hours of conversation, prayer and the first rays of hope as I spoke words of freedom in Jesus' name. It didn't take long for me to discover what I was facing (thankfully not alone!) There were 16,703 demons that called this vessel home. But I knew my purpose, my Master called for her. He called for her freedom. We were both exhausted from the night but we agreed to meet again the following day, this time utilizing Skype. Again we went through somewhere between 8 and 12 hours of he same. More demons were sent away and more and more of Moriah was becoming visible. Often she would break into spontaneous praises to our Lord. She has always called him, "Sweet Yeshuah!" I have never experienced prayer like this… not even close! There was no doubt that we were FAR from alone in this. He was with us each and every step of the way.

We continued on the 24th, then took Christmas day off. On the night of the 26th we reconvened. During the time that we were apart I continued to educate myself and had been reading on several books. One book, which I won't mention the name of, suggested that due to my own past I wasn't worthy of deliverance and was likely demon possessed myself! I was shaken to say the least. Confusion took over my mind and my faith (in me) failed. By the time we met that night, I was questioning everything. Doubt was ruling my heart. It's amazing how the demons sensed this. They made fun of me, chastised me, they ACCUSED me. Although I spoke many of the same words that night, those who occupied sensed my weakness. The night ended in absolute shambles. As I crawled into bed at 3 AM I was severely distraught. I had started this and yet the mountain seemed so tall… and I simply wasn't enough.

End part 1 - Continued on part 2

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