Thursday, May 7, 2009


I liked geography in high school.  Mrs Tewari (sp) was the teacher  in the  11th grade ..five science one  it was called ...I think. Now that I think about it I was not a particularly diligent scholar but there are some subjects that I liked more than others. I did like geometry. The seventh grade teacher was Mrs Mills. In the 8th grade it was Mr Been. The math teachers beyond that point do not come readily to mind. Physical science or Physics was a big favorite with Mr Walsh (Major). I like to tell my family that I am an English  Major. English Language was the only subject  that I Passed with distinction in my final high school year.

I  had to repeat my final high school year; I "flamed out" (failed) on the final exams the first time round. At least two of my instructors were devastated. Mr. Woody Miller was my English teacher, I think he was the only teacher in high school that ever came to my home and visited with my father. Mr Miller told me not to worry I would pass the English exam without too much more class time. He said for the next year I should just read. Anything, everything that I could find to read. I believe it was teacher Gutherie who got me a subscription to the readers digest. Next door to our church was a large printing press and a huge publication company called the Times Printry. There used to be tons of old books thrown out from time to time. I remember  reading a large volume on organic chemistry. I read everything that year, newspapers from cover to cover, I did complete the Hardy Boys series and Nancy Drew among others. So I passed the English Language exam the next time round with distinction. The Math and Physics exams I passed later on my own time after graduation while I was working my first full-time job at the phone company.



I always wondered why email is free.

In the beginning there was JUNO. Their motto was email is free. Then I found hotmail then Yahoo and now gmail.  Did you know that whenever you check your email we can tell most of the time where you are....sorry not me, when I said we  I meant the IT people (IT= Information Technology)….we can also tell who you are….especially if you keep coming back to get your mail…..don't be afraid ….you are Ok…this is the "brave new world". So anyhow….my friend the skeptic was telling me what a crazy idea it is that there could be a GOD somewhere listening to millions of people praying. I didn't find it too far-fetched. Back in the day at the Phone company on the third shift the tech could easily listen in on 600 converstions. Our multiplexing unit…we called it the MUX could easily handle a supergroup or over a thousand two way long-distance telephone conversations AT THE SAME TIME….what is more interesting is that although all these conversations were on the same single "carrier" (line) there was complete 'privacy' (LOL) between individual 'channels'. And all this was before we got the digital 'switch'. We went from frequency diversity (analogue) multiplexing to digital pulse code modulation (PCM)…that was a beauty even back then because those babies could 1200 channels down a physical two wire line…WOW….so does God hear and answer all our Prayers… bet HE does !!


"Prayer is the Christians vital breath

The Christians native aire

His watchrord at the gates of death

He enters Heaven….with PRAYER"


From a memorized morning devotions song at Wolmers Boys School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron, thanks so much for confirming what we believed to be true.... God's is awesome! We are living in an age where HIS awesomeness is being revealed. Many years ago it was impossible to imagine that the world could be evangelized through the 'ANGELS IN THE SKY' - the satilites. He did say that knowledge would increase in the last days, right?